Hawaii Rush

Fremont Rush Soccer




Time Left to Complete Fall Hours


The Fall Deadline Is Complete!

Time Left to Complete Spring Hours

Countdown finished!

At Fremont Rush Soccer, volunteering is seen as vital for fostering a strong community and nurturing well-rounded individuals. Competitive players’ parents are required to volunteer a minimum of 5 hours during the fall season and a minimum of 5 hours during the spring season per playing year to instill values aligned with the club's core principles. 

Volunteering teaches children the importance of giving back to the community and promotes empathy, accountability, and leadership. It also helps parents model good behavior, such as being trustworthy, honest, and sincere, while fostering a sense of unity and support within the club. Furthermore, volunteering also provides opportunities for parents to be involved in their child's soccer experience, showcasing their passion and commitment to making the most out of their child's time at Fremont Rush Soccer. It allows them to offer advice and support to fellow parents and players, promoting the value of seeking advice and being open to learning. 

By requiring volunteer work from parents, the club aims to instill these values and ensure the continued success and safety of its community. Overall, volunteering serves as a powerful tool for building a positive and inclusive soccer community.

  • Please note the following tasks are helpful and appreciated but do not count towards your volunteer requirements: providing post-game snacks/drinks, providing food at potlucks, setting up/breaking down canopies and/or benches at tournaments or games, monetary donations in lieu of volunteering, planning or attending team playdates or outings. 
  • Any additional hours of volunteering beyond the 5-hour minimum requirement does not rollover to the next season for credit.
  • We understand contributing time may be difficult for some families, so we offer an opt-out option. The cost to opt-out of your MANDATORY volunteer duties is $100. Opting out alleviates you from having to work at our training site, tournaments, or other events. To opt-out, click on the link below.

Want an easy way to fulfill your volunteer hours? Check out Sign Up Genius! Our platform makes finding and signing up for volunteer opportunities a breeze. With helpful reminders, you'll never miss a shift. Sign up now and start giving back to your Rush community!


If you've completed your volunteer hours, please submit them through our Google Form. This ensures accurate records and that you receive credit for your efforts. The form is quick and easy to fill out, taking just a few minutes. Thank you for your dedication to Fremont Rush!


We understand that contributing time may be difficult for some families, so we offer an opt-out option. The cost to opt out of your MANDATORY volunteer duties is $100. Opting out alleviates you from having to fulfill your hours for the 24/25 year.

NEW! Fremont Rush Volunteer Portal!

As a valued volunteer, we appreciate your dedication and commitment to our organization. We understand that keeping track of your volunteer hours can be a challenge, which is why we have created this portal to make it easy for you to stay up-to-date with your hours.

By accessing this serch portal below, you can check your current volunteer hours, including how many hours you have completed and how many you still need to complete before the end of the 24/25 playing year. This will allow you to plan your volunteering activities accordingly and ensure that you meet your requirements in a timely manner.

We hope that this portal will be a helpful tool for you as you continue to support our organization through your volunteer efforts. If you have any questions or concerns about your volunteer hours, please do not hesitate to reach out to our volunteer team at volunteer@fremontrush.com

Check Your Family Volunteer Hours!

Check Volunteer Hours

Volunteer Questions?

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