Article By: Niamh Lambert Fremont Rush Topics Editor
A new month is here, and with that comes a new core value, humility. This month, Fremont Rush will be highlighting the importance of humility to all players.
Humility is defined as apologizing to others, and to forgive mistakes and not look back. In player development the importance of forgiveness is vital. Players young and grown will encounter numerous challenges throughout their career and the ability to forgive and move on is extremely important. Players who are unable to let go of negative experiences end up yielding their growth and abilities as they fixate on the one negative that is surrounded by positives.
Coach Qeeks, of the 2013 boys team, shared why he believes humility is important in the makeup of a good player.
“Humility opens the door for athletes to keep learning and become even better athletes as well as a better person. Learning from mistakes and moving on is the only way to truly grow and develop. You have to be able to accept your flaws.”
Being able to accept flaws, and see them in a positive light isn't something that comes easily. It takes time and understanding to know that not everyone is perfect. Our coaches at Fremont Rush make sure they take the time to teach players about the importance of accepting their own flaws and moving on.
“I ask my teams to name things they are grateful for, and things that they wish they could change. In addition I teach my players to, of course, accept praise, but to also pass that praise along to others.”
-Coach Qeeks
It is important for coaches to not only teach players about humility, but to show humility themselves.
“As a coach, when a ref makes a call I disagree with, I ask them to explain why they made the decision. Once I hear the reasoning behind the call I have changed my opinion and agreed with his call. It is extremely important to show respect and sportsmanship as a coach, win, lose or tie.” -Coach Qeeks
Humility plays a key role in making our Rush players positive players on the pitch as well as positive members of the community off the field.
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